2 Ingredient Date Cararmel

Local honey crisp apple slices with a date caramel sauces, sprinkled with toasted nuts.

Local honey crisp apple slices with a date caramel sauces, sprinkled with toasted nuts.

Long gone are the days of buying a tub of caramel and eating half the container in one sitting. Though my mouth still salivates at the thought of it… With a fit body comes fit habits and eating half a tub of caramel in one sitting is not in alignment anymore.

This doesn’t mean I can’t still enjoy caramel like treats though…one made with a base of fruit. That doesn’t sound like caramel now does it…fruit?! Well don’t dismiss it unless you have tried this! Dates really are dessert like treat when freshly dried and juicy.

SO simple with a minimum of two ingredients- and a high speed blender is all you really need. If you have a sub par blender or food processor make sure you blend for a long time until as smooth as you can get it!

Ingredients for 1-2 Servings

  • 4 Dates (Soft Medjool if possible) Produce section of co-ops. If dry soak in hot water

  • 1/2 Cup Vanilla Almond milk (unsweetened)

In a food processor or blender combine and blend very well, you are looking for a smooth paste consistency.

Heat up in a saute pan on medium heat for 3-5 minutes. Pour over sliced apples and top with toasted nuts.

Play with different variations of this recipe. Add a scoop of peanut butter or tahini maybe, or a dash of vanilla or cocoa powder. Experiment and play in your kitchen!!