17 vs. 28

17 vs. 28

Strategy is the starting point for transformation”
— L. Doughtie

Junk food queen, turned plant-based Goddess

My name is Celeste and I had always been the type to use food as entertainment in comfort, sadness and love. I grew up eating the standard American diet, and I felt awful. Disconnected from my body I stuffed myself with junk and wondered why I felt tired, sick and uncomfortable in my own skin.

My life changed at 19 when I found out my mom was killed in a tragic accident.

The preciousness of life took new meaning and I was ready for change. To experience life to the fullest and embrace it all, to become something better than I had been. To really live for me and my mom.

Starting with the first step of drinking more water I began to make small, more thoughtful decisions when it came to eating. With healthier habits came the reward of health. I ate more colorful, whole plants and less processed food.

I have been eating a whole food plant based diet for 6 years now and have never felt better. I wake up with an energetic spirit daily. My skin glows, my digestion is consistently great, I am fit, I enjoy movement, and have a drive for my goals like never before.

I have found my passion living this plant-based lifestyle. I find joy and energy in sharing the knowledge I have gained and wish to spread the idea of transformation and healing through plants! I have found my calling teaching people how to cook healthy, fulfilling, simple, affordable plant-based meals in their very own kitchens.

With this fire in my belly for health and wellness I enrolled in The Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2016. In my time at IIN I learned about many diet and lifestyle choices and how to be an effective health coach working with people where they are and how to take small steps in the direction of their goals.

In November 2017 I became a Certified Holistic Health Coach and I started The Kitchen Coach. I have been able to help countless people lose weight, experience better digestion, gain more energy, and even helped someone reverse and get off Type 2 diabetes medicine through my one on one coaching and public classes. This work is my passion and is what I was meant to do, share the healing power of plants.

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