Since 2016, I have led health seeking individuals to greater health through mindset shifts & whole food plant-based cooking education. I take a hands on and evidence based learning approach that has proved to be effective at improving the quality of life for my clients, community, family and beyond.


My Mission

Is to fill the gap in our current health care system. To be the bridge, the support and accountability needed to shift into healthier habits when you are told by your Doctor that your lifestyle needs to change due to chronic illness. Or to help those who know they must change their eating habits but are overwhelmed by where to start and how to make it sustainable.

Celeste is an excellent teacher, full of information and inspiration to ignite healthy lifestyles. She makes plant based nutrition fun and accessible to people with a wide range of tastes. She meets you where your are and takes you where you want to go.
— Karen Vrchota, MD of Integrative Health Care of Winona

What I have helped my clients Achieve through improved cooking and eating habits:

  • Helped Dan Grimslid stabilize his blood sugar, so well that his Doctor said if he stays consistent (which he has for 2 years now) he no longer has to check in sugar levels every day.

  • Helped a woman improve her kidney function confirmed by tests run be her doctor.

  • Helped many of her clients reduce their cholesterol and blood pressure to the healthy ranges.

  • Helped reduce chronic inflammation and joint pain in various clients including Diane Petz.

  • Helped over 20 clients lose weight without counting calories.

  • Helped improve self-love and confidence in numerous clients

  • Helped two women clear up their eczema

  • Added food satisfaction, cooking enjoyment and money saving tips.